Isolated RS-232 Hub (3-way) | rdc232hub
Isolated RS-232 3-way hub – Master to 2 slave devices
Product Code: rdc232Hub; rdc232hub-dv-4p-dd-F1
Our rs-232 hub allows the interconnection of three RS-232 devices, complete with full 4-port 2.5kv optical/galvanic isolation. Each port is fully isolated (with floating ground) with reference to the other data ports and the power supply. 500-watt voltage transient suppressor diodes protect the hub from normal mode surges, while the full galvanic isolation protects the hub from common mode surges.
The hub operates either in Hub or Master-Slave mode. As a hub, any one device can communicate freely with the other two because data received on any one port is echoed out through the other two.
- In 3-way hub mode (internal jumper J3 removed): half-duplex data flows freely between all three ports A, B, & C. It allows the 232hub to act like a 3-node RS-485 network without the need for RS485.
- In Master-Slave mode (internal jumper J3 installed): full-duplex data flows freely between either ports A & C, or ports B & C. It allows one master device to talk to 2 slaves, or two devices (a primary & backup) to share one resource.
Key features:
- Isolates and repeats RS-232 signals
- Various isolation options available
- Protocol Independent
- 3-port Master/Slave or Hub operation
- 3-wire operation (TX, RX, GND) for each port
RS-232 port
- Port Type : EIA/RS-232
- Voltage Levels: ±9v DC
- Permitted Surge: ±25v DC
- Surge Diodes Installed: . ±15v, 500-watt
- Between all RS-232 ports: 2500v (optical, 5kV test)
- Power & RS-232 Ports: 2500v (galvanic, 3kV test)
- Conformal Coating: (optional) 5000v spec
Power Supply Options:
- 9v to 36 Vdc (1.5 watt max): 12v or 24v including batteries
- 9v to 36 Vac (1.5 watt max): Unregulated AC sources
- 5v DC +/- 5% (4.75-5.25v): 5v for OEM integration
- User Indication: Green LED for power status
- Max Speed: 115kbps , no config required
- Character Setting: Transparent, no config required
- Duplex / Direction: Automatic, no RTS/CTS required
- User Indication: Yellow LED for each Receive Signal
- Maximum Bus Length: 15m per EIA-232
- Ambient operating temperature: -20C to + 65C
- Ambient storage temperature: -40C to +100C
- Relative Humidity: 10 to 95% RH, non condensing
- Casing: good fungus & termite resistance; self-extinguishing.
- Weight: 130g.
- Terminal Capacity: 2.5mm strand (12 AWG) 4.0mm solid (12 AWG)
- Mounting Rail: DIN EN 50022 (35mm symmetrical) DIN EN 50025 (32mm asymmetrical)